The Traits of Successful Online Presence

There are many traits to a successful digital presence online. Among these are properly designed transactional functions, easy & timely contact methods, social media ownership, search engine optimization, strategic marketing, proper digital services ownership,and other priorities on a case by case basis.

Digital Presence Optimization Through Social Media

Many organizations trip up on social media because they do not understand how social media is managed. It’s easy to see with a minimum of research how important social media accounts and efforts can be to a firm. But without clarity in management and work process design social media efforts often end of costing much more than they are worth. Chris Filkins has a foundational history of developing social media channels, due to his pioneering work in blog and social media development, and knows the ins and outs for designing proper work flow for social media management & success.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine results are built on a complex formula involving series of events which take place over the course of key servers across the world and the publishing record of your firm. In order to get good results in landing page conversion and search engine results pages a website must be properly designed. These design criteria have been evolving for years along with the changing search engine ecosystem. To keep up with these changes and conform to the sometimes very stringent requirements to gain higher results in SEO you must have a competent professional who stays up to date on all developments.

Transactional Functions

When a potential client or customers attempts to reach you do they have to jump through hoops? Do they receive quick responses? Of of the most important functions of an digital presence is to provide quick and easy ways for others to reach you. Digital presence is all about communication. How this works within the context of your business is key to future growth and retaining your existing relationships.

Digital Services Ownership

Does your firm have control over its digital services? You’d be surprised how often this isn’t the case. Most small businesses have a plethora of services and accounts which they do not control. Even worse many firms are not aware what services and accounts are attached to their names. It’s a very common problem and one which needs to be fixed.

Digital Marketing

Marketing in the digital space incorporates all of these types of criteria and functions. What is your call to action?